Over a decade ago the desire to own a Jet Ski turned into reality for the creators of JetSki.xxx Jet Ski products. After riding friends Skis for many years before that and dreaming about owning them, one day it turned into a reality and the first PWC Watercraft joined the family.
There have been many Skis come and go since then, but one thing has remained the same with them all. If the Skis have done hundreds of rides or thousands of hours or even raced in Surf, they have all been corrosion free and looked like they were “as new” when they have gone on to new homes.
Riders who see the Skis around have often asked how the Skis still look so great, close friends have often received mixes of the “home brew” products over the years of development, usually traded for a bottle of Scotch!
Finally these products developed from personal requirement are now available for all Jet Ski enthusiasts to enjoy.
“For years I watched new Jet Skis being launched for the first time. I couldn’t help being envious of the way a new Jet Ski looks. They’re so bright and shiny. No wonder they’re so eye catching.
However the story is always the same. No matter how much effort and time went into maintaining the Jet Ski, just riding them seems to dull them so quickly. I became frustrated at this. Cars are so easy to keep beautiful by comparison.
I began my experimenting soon after. I tried every brand of every product I could find. I didn’t stop at the generally available Car products either. I tested all of the major car detailing franchise products, professional scratch removing products and boat care products. None worked. One day I had an idea. I had always used corrosion inhibitors to flush my engine, exhaust and intercooler. This particular day I poured some into my shampoo. Well this wasn’t a perfect result nor was it an economical option but it was the beginning of the development of the Jet Ski.xxx products.
I consulted a Chemist and set about coming up with a product that could do everything I needed for my Skis. After many years of experimenting and designing we’ve come up with a blend of all the essential elements to get a great result. These products are all designed and tested to deliver the results you’re looking for. No more worrying if your Ski is OK. Now your after-ride maintenance can preserve your pride and joy the way it looked when you brought it, keeping it like new for longer.”
For a list of stockists please visit www.jetski.xxx
See you on the water for some Jet Ski FUN Unlimited!.